martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Je Suis Charlie Chaplin!!

I, for my part, pay tribute to freedom of speech and other things...!!!
This slogan is copyrighted "BUT", feel free to use it as a campaign for those who are supporters of freedom of speech but not 100% Charlie either... as I'm not sure if "I am Charlie/‪#‎JesuisCharlie‬" -referring to Charlie Hebdo Magazine, that apears as profile picture of many- looks really as intellectual/democratic as it is expected to be at this point...and i am only an atheist, born in middle east, (yes...a lifetime stigma i guess...) who can still feel/see - simply as random human being- how all this violence is originated... pity and shame...!
Thomas Jefferson said: "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance"... freedom of expression included...! Let's have a watchful eye on tolerance, and tolerance is nothing but avoiding hate-speech... we will all be rewarded...
(And i am aware of the pros and cons...)

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Post cards for "Women and Inmigration" Internationa exhibition; "Strangers in Paradise".

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Knots are my favorite design!

Here is a bag I designed as a promotion of my own brand, it's been pretty a long time i have been working on knots. They are my favorite adaptation to everything, they drive you crazy...dont they?

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013


I Made this small statue with mixed media thinking of Afganistan. I have recently been very interested in sculpture as a means of illustration. I titled this one; Politics. 

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

With my little family !

Like any one else in this world, i too try to find some time, to spend together with my family every now and then...There they are :)

SVMMA, Revista Electrónica de Culturas Medievales

Well! Here's a logo for the medieval sector of the department of history of art, Universitat de Barcelona, I designed it as part of my Master studies on Typography in the department of Graphic Design.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Talleres Abiertos! "Cry Me a River"

My sculpture of a chandelier, was on exhibition in "Untitled Gallery" on "Talleres Abiertos, Barcelona" work show, last month, and it's one of my favourite works. The upper part of the chandelier, is composed of four noses. I named it: "Cry Me a River".

It's dedicated to my Syrian Friend; Sonia Alam edin.

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Poster, designed for theatre; " TURN", Fajr Theatre Festival of Iran.

I designed this poster in great pain, rush and uncertainity while i was recovering from an opeation at the hospital, tough days were  they... But i'm pretty satisfied with the outcome. Those, turned out to be days of a real TURN for me as well !!
Theartre: "TURN"
Director and play-writer: Arefeh Enayati.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Spanish-Persian Seminar

This work is subject to Copright, by Creative Commons internationally.
The logo for the seminar on Second Language Learning-Teching, Spanish-Persian.
Clients : Embassy of Iran in Madrid / Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

 The Logo in Full color and shape.
A picture of the very big baner, i had to send from barcelona to Madrid, together with the seminar ID card, CD, invitation card. 

The folder of the seminar.
This was one of the most complete projects i had to prepare all alone, it included a full set of graphic works. I'm quite glad i could prepare everything on time, not very easy though, working for an embassy! Had to satisfy so many people with different tastes at the same time !

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Exhibition / Pintesculturas

Sala Ámbito Cultural
6ª planta, El Corte Ingles
Portal de l’Angel, S/N

Del 26/11/2011
al 16/12/2011

Sabado 26/11/2011
De 19 a 21 hrs